Apostle Dr. P. S. Rambabu and Vinita Rambabu are the founders of Rambo World Outreach (a.k.a New Creation Ministries). A ministry that has been passionately taking the glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the whole world with undeniable signs, miracles, and wonders accompanying. Apostle Rambabu has been instrumental in raising a generation of strong faith-based ministries across the globe. He and his wife serve as spiritual parents and mentors to many in the Lord and they are dedicated to empowering believers all over the world to walk in faith in God’s Word and preach the good news of the Gospel with the demonstration of Spirit and power.


Apostle Rambabu was born into a well-to-do and well-educated family in Bellary. From his earliest memory, he in his teens has often expressed hatred towards Christ and has torn and burnt many Bibles. But in the year 1983, his life changed dramatically as he took a mute Muslim girl to a Christian meeting to challenge Jesus if He could heal her. God proved to him the genuineness of His power and love by healing the mute Muslim girl. After witnessing an undeniable miracle he could not resist the irresistible love of God and made a quality decision to make Jesus the Lord of His life.

After being born-again, he was disowned and disinherited from his family because of his faith. But, as a teenage boy, he continued to preach the gospel wilfully in the streets, schools, colleges, villages and cities riding on his bicycle and sleeping in railway stations, sustaining himself only with water. After his graduation in mechanical engineering, he continued preaching Christ, simultaneously working as a lecturer in an Engineering college at Bellary. In the year 1989, he heard a call from God to serve Him full-time. In obedience to the call, he embarked on a journey of preaching the gospel to all the nations with a determination to let the world know that Jesus is Lord!


Soon, Apostle Rambabu began open-air Gospel campaigns all across India and the world with hundreds of thousands in attendance in each meeting. His burden for the lost has made him preach the gospel in 79 nations and in some of the most endangered and unreached places all over the world. He is known for his dynamic and engaging style of preaching the uncompromising Word of God with jaw-dropping miracles like growing back of limbs, healings of blindness and deafness, etc, and with demonstration of words of knowledge, word of wisdom, gift of prophecy, and other gifts of the Holy Spirit, which have endeared him to a wide spectrum of believers. Apostle Rambabu is also a highly sought-after conference speaker. He has equipped and revolutionized the lives of many church leaders worldwide by preaching the gospel and teaching with boldness and assurance. Today, he continues to hold crusades and teaches in seminars and conferences. He lives in Bangalore with his wife Vinita Rambabu, and his two children Ankit and Annika.


Apostle Dr. P. S Rambabu and Pastor Vinita Rambabu are the founders and senior pastors of Holy Spirit Generation, a vibrant, Word-based, Spirit-filled church where the supernatural lifestyle is a norm, and it is one of the fastest-growing churches in India. Under Apostle Dr. P. S Rambabu and Pastor Vinita Rambabu's leadership, the church has been experiencing phenomenal growth, with the Lord adding to the church daily those who are being saved. With more than three decades of full-time ministry behind them, Apostle Rambabu and Pastor Vinita Rambabu continue to equip and lead the church through teaching and discipling the believers in the Word of faith and the supernatural power of God, to raise up disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel.

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