Apostle Dr. P. S. Rambabu has been in the ministry for 33 years and he has been passionately taking the glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the whole world with undeniable signs, miracles, and wonders accompanying. Apostle Rambabu has been instrumental in raising a generation of strong faith-based ministries across the globe. He is dedicated to empowering evangelists and pastors all over the world to walk in the supernatural power of God in signs, miracles and wonders.

He has preached the gospel in almost 80 nations, in some of the most endangered and unreached places all over the world. He is known for his dynamic and engaging style of preaching the uncompromising Word of God with jaw-dropping miracles like growing back of limbs, healings of blindness and deafness, demonstration of words of knowledge, word of wisdom, gift of prophecy, and other gifts of the Holy Spirit, which have endeared him to a wide spectrum of believers.

If you are a pastor or an evangelist and are hungry to walk in the supernatural power of God in signs, miracles and wonders and want to learn how to experience phenomenal church growth, now is your opportunity to be personally mentored by Apostle Rambo and reap all the benefits and impartations of his 33 years of ministry. If you are interested in being personally mentored by Apostle Rambo please fill out the application form below.